What Brands Need to Know About the Changing Social Media Landscape.

As the only constant in life is change, we need to continually evolve with the times. No industry understands this more than social media marketing, which can change overnight and challenge even the savviest of marketers. Keeping up with the trends is key to staying relevant and successful on the social media landscape.

But what about the trends that are yet to come? What will the social media landscape look like in 2023? What changes should we expect and how can we prepare ourselves for them? In this article, we’ll explore what brands need to know about the changing social media landscape and how to stay ahead of the curve.

Here is What the Experts Predict for Social Media Trends in 2023.

Experts from across the industry have shared their insights and have predicted a few upcoming social media trends. Here’s a brief overview of what they’re saying:

Focus on Human-Centric Content: It’s no secret that humans love content that makes them feel something, whether it be laugh, cry, or something in between. In 2023, we can expect to see an emphasis on content that resonates with people emotionally and inspires them to take action.

Data-Driven Decision-Making: Businesses will become more data-driven when it comes to their decisions about what kind of content they produce and promote online. This trend is being driven by the increased availability and accessibility of advanced analytics tools.

Visual Elements: As always, visuals will remain extremely important in the social media sphere but in 2023 we can expect visuals to be more multi-dimensional than ever before. Video content is likely to become even more prevalent as platforms continue developing ways for users to make videos part of their everyday lives.

How Consumers Will Use Social Media in Coming Years.

It’s safe to say that many things have changed in the world in the post-pandemic era, and social media trends are certainly no exception. In 2023, consumer behavior on social media will likely be different than it was even a few short years ago.

The way consumers interact with social media is constantly shifting and adapting, so understanding how to engage with them effectively is key. We already know that consumer spending has increased on social media, so successfully leveraging trends is essential for brands who want to stay ahead of the game. Here are a few key areas to watch:

Increased focus on User-Generated Content (UGC): As more people opt for visual storytelling instead of text, UGC will be increasingly important for capturing users’ attention. Brands should focus on strategic partnerships and influencer marketing to create authentic UGC that resonates with their audience.

More video consumption: Video-first content consumption is growing in popularity, so brands should focus their attention on creating high-quality videos that capture users’ attention quickly.

Better digital brand experiences: Consumers expect better, more seamless brand experiences when they’re engaging with a brand digitally, so aim should be to highlight products and services through real stories and content that resonate with the user base.

Leveraging Visual Content on Social Media Platforms

It’s no secret that visual content is essential in driving engagement on social media. In 2023, visual content will be even more important as video and photo-based platforms like Instagram continue to gain traction. Brands need to stay up-to-date on these platforms, ensure they have the right resources in place to create beautiful visuals and know how to leverage them in their posts.

Here are a few things brands can consider when using visuals on social media:

Use visuals that evoke emotion through storytelling.  

Making sure visuals are high quality. Low resolution images won’t cut it, especially with the competition from other brands out there today. Investing in quality tools like cameras or graphic designers may be worth it for your business.

Keeping the design aesthetic consistent with the brand guidelines. Consistent branding across all visuals is essential for creating brand recognition and setting the brand apart from competitors. 

Identifying and Engaging Micro-Influencers to Build Your Brand

Brands need to be prepared to identify and engage micro-influencers. What do we mean by micro-influencers? These are individuals with smaller but highly dedicated followings that can help spread the word about your brand and products. 

But here’s a catch, identification of these content creators who can benefit your business the most is a task in itself. Not every influencer with a certain number of followers can benefit your brand. Here are a few factors that should be considered while deciding to go ahead with the influencers.

      • Niche identification

      • Engagement rate 

      • Content quality 

      • Mindful of fake numbers

      • Disclosure of paid partnerships 

      • Contractual agreements

    Micro-influencers are crucial for building a strong presence on social media because they offer your brand two major advantages:

    Higher visibility: Micro-influencers have a more devoted, engaged audience that is easier to convert into loyal customers. Plus, their followers are more likely to pay attention to what they’re saying about your brand or product.

    Lower Costs: Since micro-influencers have smaller followings, it’s much easier and cheaper for brands to work with them and grow their following without breaking the bank on expensive influencer campaigns.

    In order to make the most of working with micro-influencers on social media, focus on creating authentic relationships with them rather than simply creating one-off campaigns with them. Investing in creating genuine relationships will help build trust and loyalty among followers over time, which is essential for long-term success in the ever-evolving world of social media.

    Connecting With Customers Using Augmented Reality (AR)

    One of the major trends that brands should be watching out for in the next few years is how augmented reality (AR) can be used to interact with customers. AR allows brands to create a unique, interactive experience for their customers, allowing them to ‘engage’ with the brand and products on a much more personal level. Let’s discuss how it can improve brand interactions with the target audience.

    Improved Customer Engagement

    The integration of AR into a brand’s social media channels can help drive increased customer engagement. Brands will be able to use AR technology to create an immersive experience that customers can access from their mobiles or desktops, allowing them to directly interact with the brand and its products. One example of this would be using AR to allow customers to virtually ‘try on’ different items like clothes or shoes before they purchase them. 

    Increased Sales Through Fun Experiences

    By leveraging AR technology, brands will also be able to create fun experiences that are designed to increase sales. For example, if you’re selling furniture online, customers will be able to use their phones or tablets as cameras and view a 3D representation of the furniture in their own home — thus giving them peace of mind if they make the purchase or not.

    Overwhelmed with all this information? Don’t know if leveraging social media is right for your business? Don’t worry, book a free discovery call with us right away.

    Let our marketing agency integration help your brand adapt and thrive in today’s rapidly changing landscape. With our expertise, we can help you monitor new platform features and changes in consumer behavior, and craft strategies to leverage emerging platforms. Don’t fall behind, contact us today to maximize your social presence and expand your reach!

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